Reusable Templates in Phoenix
January 17, 2017
If you’ve spent any time with React or its look-a-likes, you’ve probably realized that most web apps have a lot of duplication in their templates. This is particularly true of server-rendered apps.
Templates should be organized as a set of reusable components, like this:
<Tab name="All Products" />
<Tab name="Featured" />
This way, if you ever decide to change the markup for <Tab>
or <Tabs>
, you only have to change one place, and all the <Tabs>
across your project will be updated automatically.
However, just because server-rendered apps aren’t usually organized this way doesn’t mean they can’t be. In Phoenix, it’s actually quite easy. Here’s all you need to do.
1) Create a ComponentView
and a templates/component
defmodule MyApp.Web.ComponentView do
use MyApp.Web, :view
2) Define templates for each component you want to have. For example:
// templates/component/tabs.html
<ul class="tabs">
<%= assigns[:do] %>
// templates/component/tab.html
<li class="tab"><%= assigns[:name] %></li>
3) Use these templates whenever you want tabs:
<%= render ComponentView, "tabs.html" do %>
<%= render ComponentView, "tab.html", name: "All Products" %>
<%= render ComponentView, "tab.html", name: "Featured" %>
<% end %>
So far, so good, but it’s too verbose. Let’s add a ComponentHelpers
module like so:
# views/component_helpers.ex
defmodule MyApp.Web.ComponentHelpers do
def component(template, assigns) do
MyApp.Web.ComponentView.render(template, assigns)
def component(template, assigns, do: block) do
MyApp.Web.ComponentView.render(template, Keyword.merge(assigns, [do: block]))
Then, import it into your view
function in the MyApp.Web
def view do
quote do
# ...
import MyApp.Web.ComponentHelpers
Your markup can then be much more concise:
<%= component "tabs.html" do %>
<%= component "tab.html", name: "All Products" %>
<%= component "tab.html", name: "Featured" %>
<% end %>
There’s no reason you couldn’t shorten it up even more if you wanted:
<%= c "tabs.html" do %>
<%= c "tab.html", name: "All Products" %>
<%= c "tab.html", name: "Featured" %>
<% end %>
It’s still not as concise as React, but I think it’s close enough.
<Tab name="All Products" />
<Tab name="Featured" />
Obviously, this is a contrived example with very simple markup, so it might seem like too much effort. However, I think it’s a very useful approach whenever you’re dealing with complicated markup that you need to reuse often.